Plates and Places


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

A Journey Through the Holidays

Yesterday someone asked me if I had all my holiday stuff wrapped up. My first thought was to reply, “Huh? I have a million things to do over the next 10 days – wrapping, food preparation, straightening the house, holiday parties, never ending grocery runs – you name it.” But instead, I smiled and replied, “I look at this time of year as more of a journey.”

A journey that seems to begin earlier each year. 

From that first Christmas card written and mailed to the packing away of the tree and trimmings, it’s not over till it’s over.

Don’t misunderstand me. I love this season. Really. But it is tiring – I’m sure you can agree. 

It's just that some days I feel as if I need a giant organizational flow chart on the wall to pull it all off.

So why do we bother?

Because we are givers and love to see the joy these tasks bring to our friends and loved ones.

So, here’s to joyous pre-holiday preparations, a very Merry Christmas, a festive New Year’s Eve, and a well-deserved nap.

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