Plates and Places


Monday, June 15, 2015

Meanwhile...Back at the Ranch

I made a promise to myself last September that I would be physically ready to hike one of the more difficult trails the next time we visited Ghost Ranch, a retreat and learning center located in Abiquiu, New Mexico, or more commonly known as Georgia O’Keeffe country. 

So our goal for the day was to hike the Box Canyon Trail, a longer and more intense trek than the Chimney Rock Trail we took on our visit back in the fall.


We headed out of Santa Fe toward Ghost Ranch early in the day, hoping to escape the incoming rain showers. 

The drive there is as much a part of the adventure as the destination with the views of the mountains changing dramatically from piñon dotted to rocky and many shades of coral.

Upon arrival at Ghost Ranch, we were greeted by a group of horses and folks prepping for a trail ride and mostly sunny skies.


Before setting out for Box Canyon, we checked in at the office (a must do so they can send the rescue squad to find you if you don’t come back) and to check the trail conditions.

We were warned that the recent heavy rains may make the trail difficult to locate at times.  

Alas, I wasn’t worried because I am married to Indiana Jones, and everyone knows that Indy has an extraordinary sense of direction and carries a lot of maps.

Along our way to the canyon,

We jumped back and forth across the creek,

Climbed over boulders,

Slithered through narrow rocks,

Encountered snakes and lizards,

And spotted an eagle’s nest perched high on a cliff.

The trail’s finale proved true to its name as we were literally “boxed in” a canyon with no other way out except to turn around.

All of this adventure and we made it back in less time than the brochure estimated it would take. 

No sweat and no rescue squad needed for Indy and his cowgirl.


Have a great day!

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