Plates and Places


Monday, August 11, 2014

Hiking the Tents

A 40 mile drive southwest of Santa Fe, New Mexico delivers you to the incredible hiking location of Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument. 

Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument

I have to admit that the drive leading to our destination was a bit daunting as there was only a mountain range far in the distance and nothing but desert in between.....

....... nothing but the two of us and our rental.

My husband (the Someday Cowboy)
The final five miles of the drive crossed Pueblo de Cochiti tribal land and led us to the park and trailhead. 

Our hike began at 5570 feet above sea level on a soft, sandy trail around the canyon at the base of the cone shaped rock formations or Tent Rocks. 

The tents are a result  of years of weathering and erosion following a volcanic explosion that occurred 6-7 million years ago.

"Is that a bird or a plane..."
The cobalt blue sky provided a sharp contrast to the whitish colored tips of tents and the crisp mountain air enhanced the serenity of our experience. 


As we spiraled toward our destination of the Mesa, the trail became a bit more aggressive and we found ourselves using our hands to steady ourselves as we climbed.


Upon reaching the Mesa at 6299 feet, we were greeted with spectacular views of the Sangre de Cristo and Jemez Mountains as well as views of the tents which were now completely below us.


The strong gusts of wind kept our visit on the Mesa rather quick as I wondered if we'd be swept away over the canyon and soaring with the eagles.....

.....eerie but thrilling at the same time. 

The trip back down to the canyon was just as beautiful as the trip up, only in reverse.  

Tent Rocks has to be one of my favorite hikes to date.....

.....and one that this Someday Cowgirl will be sure to repeat during her next visit to the area.

Have a great week!