Plates and Places


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Someday Cowgirl in Paris

Earlier this year, my dad and stepmom invited me and my husband to join them in Paris in the springtime.  Having never been to France and not knowing a bit of French, I quickly downloaded an app to see how much French I could pick up and then began perusing travel web sites.
A friend of mine suggested that I read Ina Garten’s Barefoot in Paris before I go.  In her book, Ina writes about all of her favorite places to shop and eat in Paris.  And, after reading all of her delicious recipes, I was excited to try French cuisine.

One day in Paris, as we were making our way to The Louvre, we stumbled upon E. Dehillerin, a French cookware store that Ina mentioned in her book.  The warehouse-style store, located in the Les Halles neighborhood, featured a huge display of gleaming copper pots and every type of French bake ware that one could imagine.  I also read that Julia Child was a regular there.  It was really just a coincidence that we found the place, but how cool was that?

After our visit to The Louvre, we stopped for a bite to eat at a local bistro.  Three of us ordered the warm goat cheese salad.  It was so creamy and delicious - I was determined to duplicate it when I got home. 

Upon returning home, I created the following version. So easy to make and good - just like in Paris!

Bon Appétit!

Warm Goat Cheese Salad - serves 4
8, 1 oz. goat cheese medallions
8 thin slices of fresh baguette
Olive oil
Balsamic vinegar
Spring mix salad
Sea salt
Freshly ground black pepper

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Brush both sides of baguette slices lightly with olive oil.  Top each slice with a cheese medallion. Bake for 10 minutes or until bread is golden and cheese is soft. 

Divide greens onto four plates, drizzle with olive oil and vinegar.  Top each salad with 2 baguette/cheese slices.  Sprinkle with salt and pepper. 

This salad is also wonderful with any of the following toppings:  fresh strawberries, toasted pine nuts or walnuts and dried cranberries.